Terms Of Service

1. Payment Methods

1.1. Payments are required to be done via invoices

1.2. The Client agrees that payment is made for digital goods, unless explicitly specified in the order.

2. The Client may request minor changes and significant changes.

2.1. Requested changes that result in significant changes to the original agreed invoice will require a new invoice to be made.(Such as addition of a New character to a single character piece, or new panel addition)

2.2. Requested Changes that are considered significant are; Change of render quality, and Addition of characters.

2.3. The Client may request up to 30 minor changes such as, adjustment of color, changes in pose, and changes in placement of characters.

2.3.1. Requests for more than 30 changes will incur the Edit fee, with the fee price listed on My Commission Sheet.

2.3.2. This clause does not apply when the Client is commissioning a Character Sheet.

2.4. Changes requested that are not specified are up to my discretion and may be discussed between The Client and I.

3. Refunds

3.1. A refund can be made a week after the payment is made.

3.2. A refund can not be made after I finished the art piece.

3.3. The Client may still receive a full refund if the art piece is still in the sketch phase. Afterwards for the Lining or color/shading phase the refunded amount will be 50% of what has been paid.

3.4. Reposting artwork is allowed if credit to me is made, and link to my art gallery, or link to the piece from within my gallery.

4. Copyright

4.1. I retain copyright of my artwork.

4.2. I do not sell the copyright of my artwork when accepting payment for working on said piece.

4.2.1 Buying the right to the art piece must be done as a separate payment. After a price is agreed between both parties for purchase of the rights to the specific artwork.

4.3. Artwork may be used for examples for the following; Commission price sheets.

4.4. Rights to characters drawn in the artwork are still retained by The Client or original owner.

4.5. Edits to artwork are allowed by me, but must be made clear that it has been modified and credit is given to I, the original artist.

4.6. The Client may repost artwork with credit on the following sites; Furaffinity. The Client may request permission if posting on sites that are not specified by me.

5. Commission Updates

5.1. Progress will be made when significant progress is made.

5.2. What is significant progress is as follows; Thumbnails, character poses have been sketched, refined character poses,when a phase is complete.

5.3. Artwork work progress is also broken down into four phases; Thumbnail Phase, Sketch Phase, Lining Phase, Coloring/shading phase.

5.4. The Client may request that I notify them when work is being done during a livestream, which are generally started at 7pm-12am Pacific Time that occur randomly during the week and weekends.

6. Cryptocurrency and Block-chain technology clause

6.1. The Client understands that works shall not be sold, used, or distributed as Non-fungible tokens or any other Block-chain technologies.

6.2.The Client understands that payments will not be made through Cryptocurrencies or other block-chain technologies.(such as Bitcoin, Ethurium, etc.)

6.3. The Client failure to follow the above stated will be denied service, and blacklisted indefinitely should they continue to not follow any of the above stated.

7. Artifical Intelligence and Languge Learning Modules for Image Generation

7.1. My art including all wips are hereby barred from usage in Languge Learning Modules, similar to or work in similar fashion to the following; Midjourney, Stable Diffuision, Dall-E, etc.

7.2. Failure to comply will result in blacklisting from working with Me.

7.3. I reserve the right to withhold a full resolution, and use software designed to prevent usage in data sets, such as Glaze or similar programs that offer similar services.

Updated September 10, 2023

I was walking on the moon one day